The Info You’re After
Need assistance? Before picking up the phone, check out our answers to some of the most frequently asked questions below. If you can’t find the answer to your question here, by all means please get in touch with us.
What is inside a Jetfloat unit?​​
Simply put: Air. Jetfloats are blow molded from virgin high density polyethylene (HDPE). Their unique design offers incredible buoyancy, durability and impact resistance. Because of this no foam is required. (With the exception of the post cube unit).​
What is the difference in single units, double units, and low profile units? ​
Please refer to the photos and info in the shop tab to see the physical differences and their respective specifications. Both single and double units are the more "common" "full-size" units located throughout the dock. Low profile units are used almost exclusively in drive on situations. They are placed in the section the hull is intended to reside in. ​
Will these Jetfloat units work with older units?​
As long as the older units are Jetfloat units, they can be used together. If you need help identifying your units please let us know.​
How do I know what I need to buy for my boat? ​
If you are not sure what you need for your boat/system, please reach out to us! Please give us as much detail as possible: i.e. year, make, model, of watercraft for a drive on. How do you intend to moore or attach your dock? Or if you have requested or preset dimensions for a floating dock. The more info you can give us the more accurately and efficiently we can help!​
Can I build and install my Jetfloat system myself?​
Yes, using the tools in your kit and following the plan we provide you can build and install your Jetfloat dock yourself. Also the videos that you can access HERE this will help to guide you. You can also find some additional info and documents on our support page. And you can always reach out to us for more help! ​​
Can you install my system for me?
Dock Aid can build and install your Jetfloat dock solution for a fee with in the state of South Carolina using our Marine Contracting License​
Why are you not offering shipping?
We are happy to ship! And to give you a shipping quote! At the moment there is not an effective or accurate way to price this in our estore! Every item is different in dimensions, weight, and the quantity you may need to buy for your needs. We are working with developers to get this fixed as possible. But in the mean time, please reach out for a custom shipping quote. No products ship until order is paid in full. You can also pickup your order from our fulfilment center in North Charleston, SC by appointment only. No Walk ins!​
What is the warranty on Jetfloat products?
To put it simply Jetfloat drive on docks have a 10 year warranty and floating docks have a 25 year warranty. For more on this please see the warranty pdf HERE​
Is Dock Aid LLC still offering general dock repairs and builds?
Yes! We have not strayed away from our "roots" of dock building and repairs we have just geared our new website to help target the needs of our modular docking clients. You can still contact us at anytime in regards to all of your dock needs.​
What is your return policy?
Products may be returned in their original condition for a full refund within 30 days of receipt (excluding shipping and specialty items). No refunds will be issued on used, damaged, or materially different items. The buyer/purchaser is responsible for shipping the products back to our fulfillment center in North Charleston, SC. Products can also be returned in person to our fulfilment center in North Charleston SC. By appointment only! No walk ins!
Can Jetfloat Units only be used as floating docks and Drive On docks?
No! With a little bit of engineering you can use Jetfloat to make just about anything. They have been used to transport heavy machinery, barges, large work platforms, wedding venues, dance floors, concert venues.....and the list goes on. If you can envision it Jetfloat can be used to float it!​
Can JetFloat and JetDock Units be used together?
Yes! The products maybe slightly different but the units and most accessories are compatible.​
Why Jetfloat over wood?
There are many reasons to consider going with a Jetfloat dock over a traditional wooden dock. Here are just a few: ​
Safety - no splinters or cracking boards, no sharp edges, non skid surfacing, stability​
Eco-friendly- Jetfloat is not only recyclable, but non pollutant will not have harmful treatments wearing off into the waterways over time.
Durable - They are UV and chemical resistant: ensuring a long life (20+ years easily)
Convenient- Easy to assemble, modify or add on to. Lightweight enough to easily carry to your install location!